BWFS-TLG: Welcome to ‘Brainwashed for Success’

There is so much to talk about, teach, learn, and communicate…and we are all so busy with vastly different schedules.  Since, we can not personally be there with you each and every step, every day, we have a VERY special sequence of messages that we will be sending out to YOU called ‘Brainwashed for Success.’ Or, simply: BWFS-TLG. 

Founder of The “Original” Lab Gym in 2007 and the most exemplary source of education to literally thousands; The L.A.B.’s Training Staff (past, present and future), it’s Clientele and countless success stories.  Tragically, Justin passed away in 2019.  His message and his legacy lives on through his Students, Clients and The L.A.B.’s vast community of beloved “Lab Rats”. 

We hope that you will see the power of his message and that it will change your life, just as it has changed ours.

“This will be a series of emails in a specific time frame sent to properly inform, educate, and even motivate you to the best possible outcomes and results with The L.A.B. Gym and our training programs.  Like I said, there is so much to take in that it is to hard to do inside of a 1 hour session and sometimes things get side stepped.  So, our agenda will build on itself and hopefully fill in any gaps you might have…and if not, send me an email and perhaps that will be the topic of a future video! 

My goal is to educate, motivate, and to hold you accountable to get the best experience possible and LITERALLY, BRAINWASH you 😉

But, it’s all for good cause! I miss all my ‘Lab Rats’ and Lab family dearly and wish I could be with everyone everyday.  Our business has grown, our family has grown, and so to has the amount of work to be done.  I hope this bridges some gaps for you and helps you achieve every goal that you have. 

By the way If the timeliness/dates don’t line up on some of these emails I apologize for any confusion (been wanting to kick this off for a LONNNG time).  The series is meant to meet you as you first join the gym for training and educate you on all of the little steps along the way (so veterans, some of this will be great review for you, and in some cases brand new valuable insights).  These are the very lessons your trainers have been trained to teach you through The Lab Gym’s Training Academy.  Many of these lessons your trainer has told you about in the finite amount of time that you have with them. I plan to not only reinforce those lessons but take them even further.  MUCH further.

I do not wish to spam you so please simply remove yourself from this list if you do not wish to receive these emails (but, I do not recommend that, good stuff coming your way;).  You will be receiving an email and video lesson/discussion each day of the week and once we have most of the ‘heavy lifting’ done we will phase them back to about 1-3 per week.  This early time frame is a critical time to take these lessons in while you are trying to form new healthy habits and an awesome new lifestyle.  These critical stages of change need constant reinforcement so we must be on it each and everyday.  Besides, there is so much to cover from the educational, motivational, and personal compliance departments that it is the only digestable/practical way to break it down.  If you see me at the gym please throw me a high 5 to let me now you got this or just to introduce ourselves for the first time.

See you soon!


(Oh yeah, my typing and grammar may SEEM poor.  Please disregard that, my computer is broken:)

Please watch the welcome message as I elaborate on this program:”

See you at The LAB!

PS: Have a specific question about exercise, nutrition, motivation or anything related?  Let us know and we will try to answer in a future video!

PSS: Do you know of anyone else like yourself who would benefit from working with us here at The L.A.B.?  If you do, we have some rewards for both you and your referral. 
#1: For every person that you refer that signs up for a minimum of 1 month of personal training you will receive a voucher for 3 FREE sessions! 
#2: If you refer 3 people who sign up for a minimum of 1 month of personal training within the same month you will get 12 sessions credited to your account  
#3 Cash Money!! If you refer someone that signs up for a membership, we will give you $50!! 

Please help us spread the healing power of healthy diet and exercise!